Posters Designed for Broadway

Busker AlleyBUSKER ALLEY; Lunt-Fontanne Theatre (1995)

(Production cancelled)






SHE LOVES ME; Roundabout & Brooks Atkinson Theatre (1993)








grand nightA GRAND NIGHT FOR SINGING; Roundabout Theatre (1993)







I'm Not RappaportI’M NOT RAPPAPORT; American Place & Booth Theatre (1985)







LeaderOfThePackLEADER OF THE PACK; Ambassador Theatre (1985)






Little meLITTLE ME; Eugene O’Neill Theatre (1982)







woman_yearWOMAN OF THE YEAR; Palace Theatre (1981)







SophisticatedLadiesSOPHISTICATED LADIES; Lunt-Fontanne Theatre (1981)








barnumBARNUM; St. James Theatre (1980)






16001600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE; Mark Hellinger Theatre (1976)






ChicagoCHICAGO; 46th St. Theatre (1975)







ShelterSHELTER; Golden Theatre (1973)







Uncle-Vanya-Playbill-06-73UNCLE VANYA; Circle in the Square Theatre (1973)







pippin_obcwcPIPPIN; Imperial Theatre (1972)






VALMOUTH; York Playhouse (1960)

CONVERSATION PIECE; Barbizon Plaza Theatre (1957)